Sunday 10 February 2013

Essential Teaching Skills: Being an Effective Teacher

Hi there,

I was thinking about my teacher training years this morning and looking back through text books that were key to my studies. One book in particular stood out - the advice it gives is practical and relevant, especially now as a full time practitioner I can relate to it more. I thought I would share some of the practical tips that Kyriacou (2007) suggests in Essential Teaching Skills.
So, what are 'essential teaching skills?' 
Kyriacou (2007) reflects:

'Teaching skills can be defined as discrete and coherent activities by teachers which foster pupil learning. In the light of our consideration of teaching skills, three important elements of skills are discernible:

Knowledge, comprising the teacher’s knowledge about the subject, pupils, curriculum,
teaching methods, the influence on teaching and learning of other factors, and
knowledge about one’s own teaching skills.

Decision-making, comprising the thinking and decision-making that occurs before,
during and after a lesson, concerning how best to achieve the educational outcomes

Action, comprising the overt behaviour by teachers undertaken to foster pupil learning.

An over-riding feature of teaching skills is that they are purposeful and goal-directed activities which are essentially problem solving.' (p4)
How can 'essential teaching skills' be identified?
It is difficult when thinking about essential teaching skills to pinpoint exactly what we can be doing in the classroom to improve this area. Kyriacou (2007) breaks it down for better understanding.
'One of the major problems in trying to identify a list of essential teaching skills is that teaching skills vary from very broad and general skills, such as the planning of lessons, to very specific skills, such as the appropriate length of time to wait for a pupil to answer a question in a particular type of situation. Overall, in considering teaching skills, it seems to be most useful to focus on fairly broad and general skills which are meaningful to teachers and relate to how they think about their teaching. More specific skills can then be discussed as and when they help illustrate and illuminate how these general skills operate. Nevertheless, given the nature of teaching, it is clear that whatever set of general skills is chosen to focus on, the overlap and interplay between them will be marked, and a good case can always be made by others for focusing on a different set.
For example, Hay McBer (2000) identified the following list of teaching skills:
  • High expectations
  • Planning
  • Methods and strategies
  • Pupil management/discipline
  • Time and resource management
  • Assessment
  • Homework (p5)
Based on our knowledge of essential teaching skills, how can a teacher be an effective practitioner?
There is no doubt, any good teacher will always be striving to be an 'effective' one. There will never be a day that comes when they will stop and think, 'I'm now effective, I don't need to try any more!' - well I hope not! I know that I will always be striving to do better and improve my teaching! Kyriacou (2007) outlines six ways we can be effective teachers - these are the foundations of an effective teacher, so much more can be done but these 6 areas are key to build upon:
'Teachers judged to be effective appear to display the following skills in their teaching:
  • Establishing an orderly and attractive learning environment
  • Concentrating on teaching and learning by maximising learning time and maintaining an academic emphasis
  • Purposeful teaching through the use of well-organised and well-structured lessons coupled with clarity of purpose
  • Conveying high expectations and providing intellectual challenge
  • Monitoring progress and providing quick corrective feedback
  • Establishing clear and fair discipline.' (p6)
'The essential teaching skills involved in contributing to successful classroom practice can be identified and described as follows:
Planning and preparation: the skills involved in selecting the educational aims and learning outcomes intended for a lesson and how best to achieve these.
Lesson presentation: the skills involved in successfully engaging pupils in the learning experience, particularly in relation to the quality of instruction.
Lesson management: the skills involved in managing and organising the learning activities taking place during the lesson to maintain pupils’ attention, interest and involvement.
Classroom climate: the skills involved in establishing and maintaining positive attitudes and motivation by pupils towards the lesson.
Discipline: the skills involved in maintaining good order and dealing with any pupil misbehaviour that occurs.
Assessing pupils’ progress: the skills involved in assessing pupils’ progress, covering both formative (i.e. intended to aid pupils’ further development) and summative (i.e. providing a record of attainment) purposes of assessment.
Reflection and evaluation: the skills involved in evaluating one’s own current teaching practice in order to improve future practice.' (p11)
Tips for being an effective teacher
Each of the above areas can be broken down. Kyriacou (2007) outlines in a practical manner how we can work towards achieving these.
Planning and Preparation
  • The lesson plan has clear and suitable aims and objectives.
  • The content, methods and structure of the lesson selected are appropriate for the pupil learning intended.
  • The lesson is planned to link up appropriately with past and future lessons.
  • Materials, resources and aids are well prepared and checked in good time.
  • All planning decisions take account of the pupils and the context.
  • The lesson is designed to elicit and sustain pupils’ attention, interest and involvement.
Lesson Presentation
  • The teacher’s manner is confident, relaxed, self-assured and purposeful, and generates interest in the lesson.
  • The teacher’s instructions and explanations are clear and matched to pupils’ needs.
  • The teacher’s questions include a variety of types and range and are distributed widely.
  • A variety of appropriate learning activities are used to foster pupil learning.
  • Pupils are actively involved in the lesson and are given opportunities to organise their own work.
  • The teacher shows respect and encouragement for pupils’ ideas and contributions, and fosters their development.
  • The work undertaken by pupils is well matched to their needs.
  • Materials, resources and aids are used to good effect.
Lesson Management
  • The beginning of the lesson is smooth and prompt, and sets up a positive mental set for what is to follow.
  • Pupils’ attention, interest and involvement in the lesson are maintained.
  • Pupils’ progress during the lesson is carefully monitored.
  • Constructive and helpful feedback is given to pupils to encourage further progress.
  • Transitions between activities are smooth.
  • The time spent on different activities is well managed.
  • The pace and flow of the lesson is adjusted and maintained at an appropriate level throughout the lesson.
  • Adjustments to the lesson plan are made whenever appropriate.
  • The ending of the lesson is used to good effect.
Classroom Climate
  • The climate is purposeful, task-oriented, relaxed, and with an established sense of order.
  • Pupils are supported and encouraged to learn, with high expectations conveyed by the teacher.
  • Teacher–pupil relationships are largely based on mutual respect and rapport.
  • Feedback from the teacher contributes to fostering pupil self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • The appearance and layout of the class are conducive to positive pupil attitudes towards the lesson and facilitate the activities taking place.
  • Good order is largely based on the positive classroom climate established and on good lesson presentation and management.
  • The teacher’s authority is established and accepted by pupils.
  • Clear rules and expectations regarding pupil behaviour are conveyed by the teacher at appropriate times.
  • Pupil behaviour is carefully monitored and appropriate actions by the teacher are taken to pre-empt misbehaviour.
  • Pupil misbehaviour is dealt with by an appropriate use of investigation, counselling, academic help, reprimands and punishments.
  • Confrontations are avoided, and skilfully defused.
Assessing Pupils' Progress
  • The marking of pupils’ work during and after lessons is thorough and constructive, and work is returned in good time.
  • Feedback on assessments aims not only to be diagnostic and corrective, but also to encourage further effort and maintain self-confidence, which involves follow-up comments, help or work with particular pupils as appropriate.
  • A variety of assessment tasks are used, covering both formative and summative purposes.
  • A variety of records of progress are kept.
  • Some opportunities are given to foster pupils’ own assessments of their work and progress.
  • Assessment of pupils’ work is used to identify areas of common difficulties, the effectiveness of the teaching, and whether a firm basis for further progress has been established.
  • Assessment is made of the study skills and learning strategies employed by pupils in order to foster their further development.
Reflection and Evaluation
  • Lessons are evaluated to inform future planning and practice.
  • Current practice is regularly considered with a view to identifying aspects for useful development.
  • Use is made of a variety of ways to reflect upon and evaluate current practice.
  • The teacher regularly reviews whether his or her time and effort can be organised to better effect.
  • The teacher regularly reviews the strategies and techniques he or she uses to deal with sources of stress. (pp12-13)
Have to say, Kyriacou (2007) has been highly useful throughout my teacher training and even more-so now as a teacher. It has helped me to think about my strategies and techniques, to re-focus and apply.
Hope sharing this has been of some use!
A :) x

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this here has been of great help. Thank you for sharing.
