Friday 25 January 2013

Open Night!

A welcoming display for parents from a Year 8 pupil
Hi everyone!
Last night our Open Night was a huge success with a fantastic turn out of parents who were delighted with what they saw - praise, encouragement and congratulations received from many! The whole school really pulled together to make it a brilliant evening.


2013 LJHS Prospectus

A lovely prospectus was put together showcasing what we can offer new pupils, highlighting our emphasis on respect for self and others and responsibility, displayed in the 3 R's of the school tie. Have to say, I was really impressed with the content of this booklet, a lot of hard work went into its production and the final product is really impressive.


So what did we do for music in our little corner of the school?? Well .... we had fun!!!
DVD of pupils' work and musical activities

As we do not have an Interactive Whiteboard in our department - yet! (fingers crossed for one/or preferably two! ASAP!) I made a make-shift version so that I could put on a DVD of pupils' work and musical activities. The clip shown is a fantastic sketch of the Gangnam Grannies! A group of Year 10 girls who dressed up as Grannies, carried out a little drama and busted some wonderfully hilarious dance routine moves to the 'Granny' Gangnam Style song. It had the crowds at our recent concert in stitches and the crowds in my room last night in fits of laughter too!


As the DVD was running, myself and another music teacher laid out our xylophones into a wee ensemble and started to play some duets! Attracting the crowds and grabbing interest, the children soon began to join in! With every group that came in, we had some fun and the kids left feeling happy - which meant the parents left feeling happy! The time from 6.30pm - 9.30pm did go in rather quickly due to this entertainment, both for us and the visitors!
Next week we have a P7 sampler day to further reach out to those entering KS3 in September. I will let you know how it goes too!
Hope all your Open Evenings go fantastically well, make them fun!
A :) x

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