Monday 28 January 2013

Sometimes it's the small things that matter!

Highlight of Last Week
Hi everyone,
Thought I would share my highlight from last week, out of the five days of teaching, this moment sticks in my head the most :)
There was a pupil in school who was rather down, feeling a little lost and needing some time to gather his thoughts. I have to say, I'm useless in these situations, I never know how to go about finding out what's wrong and showing lots of sympathy (an area I need to work on!) My HoD in music is the SENCO and she is fantastic at this sort of thing, however, she was away in America for the week so I was left thinking, hmmmmmm, what do I do......
I'd been playing around with a melody, just messing about as a method of chilling one evening, and decided to sit down at the piano and play the melody with the first lyrics that came into my head! I knew all about this pupil's fascination with his pony so the lyrics that came out of my mouth were based around that .....
"I've got a pony called Joe
He's so hard to control
All I want is for him to obey
He runs a mile down the field when I tell him to yield
All I want is for him to just stayyyyyy!"
Well, it's a pretty pants verse and piano playing but in that moment his face lit up and he started to laugh. He even came back at lunch time, smiling, and said "I cant get that pony song out of my head!" This, made my day. It actually made my week. Being able to do something, no matter how small, no matter how silly I sounded, to cheer someone up and help them along their day was great.
Note to self: take time out of the norm and do more random acts to help make more pupils smile!
A :) x


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